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Anti Gravity Man

Richard Reynolds is Anti Gravity Man

Anti Gravity Man Spitty Space

Not just a vision but will be a reality.

There are many conversations I have with CEO's and others about Spitty Anti Gravity.

Anti Gravity is just waiting to be created. I have no doubt in my mind that I  will create Spitty Anti Gravity Shell. The question is what is the road map? this I have already mapped out.

 Anti Gravity Man has designed a 5 Billion Spitty Advanced Materials Space Lab. This is a Giga Moon testing hanger, the most advanced carbon net zero sustainable building in the world. 


Along the journey to create Spitty Anti Gravity Shell, we will create new advanced sustainable materials for Space and Earth.  500 Billion pound opportunity globally just on Earth.  Trillion pound opportunity in Space.

Just imagine the sustainable advances on Earth that will save our planet. If you can not

imagine the huge benefits then stop reading and leave this site.

#AntiGravityMan #SpittyAntiGravityPropulsionShell #SpittyAdvancedMaterialSpacelab

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